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Disaster Area Midi Box One Carbon Black

Original price was: $57.00.Current price is: $28.50.

(In Stock)

SKU: WWK842762649847 Category:

The MIDI Box One converts standard 5-pin (DIN) MIDI communications to a variety of 1/4 formats.

Featuring a single MIDI output, the MIDI Box One can output MIDI on either the tip or ring of its 1/4 jack, or send MIDI on both at the same time.

Configuration is easy, using the DIP switches on the underside of the MIDI Box One.

Tip Active:. Suits Alexander, Meris, Empress, Bondi, and other devices using voltage mode on the jack tip
Ring Active:Suits Chase Bliss Audio and other devices using voltage mode on the jack ring
Tip and Ring Active: Provides separate outputs on tip and ring of the control port, enabling two MIDI outputs using our TRS Insert Cable.

If youre planning to connect two Chase Bliss Audio devices, be sure to select theRP2dual reverse polarity cable!

Power: Requires 9-12v DC input, 50mA maximum.

Status LED: Lights blue when powered, blinks red when MIDI data is received. Constant high-speed MIDI data such as MIDI Clock may cause the LED to remain violet.

MIDI THRU:. The MIDI Box One does not have any MIDI Thru capability, and must be placed at the end of your MIDI chain.


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