




ACL EVE-1 Busboard

Original price was: $123.00.Current price is: $61.50.

(In Stock)

SKU: WWK842762648660 Category:

The ACL EVE 1 busboard is used to distribute the operating voltages of a power supply unit to supply up to 20 modules in a Eurorack case.

It was developed with the aim of achieving the lowest possible electrical contact resistance between the power supply unit and the modules connected to it.

This is reflected in minimal potential differences between the power supply unit and between all connection terminals of the modules and the terminals, which almost completely eliminates any couplings between modules and the resulting interference.

This is achieved by a six-layer sandwich design in which each voltage supplied by the power supply unit has its own complete layer for distribution to the module connection terminals, i.e. +12V, -12V and +5V each have the complete surface of the bus board available as copper surface, while the ground even has three layers available, resulting in an extremely low resistance of the ground bar (ground). The arrangement of the layers is like a sandwich, there is almost no influence between e.g. the +5V rail on which often disturbing digital modules are connected and ground or the +/- 12V rails. In addition, there are 4 buffer capacitors with 22uF and 100nF each for the +12V and -12V rail, which are arranged as parallel connected packets with 22uF and 100nF each at the outer ends left and right. These capacitors are Ultra Low ESR MLCC types.

Furthermore, a CV and a gate bus are available up to four times (two at the top and two at the bottom, each bridged by a jumper). These are consequently shielded from each other and from the voltage bars and thus cannot influence each other or other voltage bars (+/- 12V, +5V) by crosstalk, which further rounds off the “low-noise design”.


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