





Original price was: $402.00.Current price is: $98.00.

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SKU: WWK842762651801 Category:

DIY kit version of theHexpanderEurorack module.

The kit includes all the necessary parts to make a completed module including power cable, Hexmix VCA connector cable andfourof ourbespoke KnurliesM3rack screws.

In order tofacilitate easyassembly all our kits come with hex nuts and not with round nutsseen on ourassembled modules.

Hexpander adds great functionality to Hexmixmodule. Featuring Three aux send with stereo returns, individual outputs for each channel, complete PFL system and balanced output.
Hexpander is designed to be placed on top of Hexmix. Expanding Eurorack concept to 6u, allows every channel to be aligned as in traditional tabletop mixers.

Auxiliar sends:

For every channel you have three auxiliar sends. One pot will measure the amount of signal sent to each of them.

Every auxiliar send has a volume pot, that will measure the level of the signal sent. There are two jacks available so it is possible to send the signal both pre or post fader/EQ at the same time, allowing to patch externally depending if its desired to have the original signal, or the signal after being EQed on the effect.

Returns are stereo, having a switch to select if the signal is coming from synth or line level. Like this levels can be set, for example, either for a guitar pedal or a FX module at synth level.

Monitor section:
Hexpander features a complete PFL system, to send channels to to the headphones before you add them to main mix.
Flip PFL switch to send that channel to the headphones out.
With PFL/Master Pot you can do a crossfade between the master signal and every channel sent to PFL. Headphones out will control headphones volume.
Level meter will show the level of the sum of all active PFLs. When there is no PFL active, it will show master level.

Output section:
Every channel has individual 6,5 jacks out at line level.Here you have the signal of every channel post EQ.
As an addition, you have master balanced output.


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